If you must drink milk (or consume dairy products like cheese, whey, lactose sugar, ice cream, or other things that do more to leach calcium from bones -- due to their acidifying of body chemistry and the ammonia produced from the break down of protein -- than they provide in any assimilable form), use slaughter-free. It's the least we could do to give thanks for what is taken from moo cows.

Commonwork is an environmental charity, study center and an organic dairy near Sevenoaks in Kent [England]. It has a well established educational program that explores local and global sustainability. The thrust of its work is towards a just and sustainable world.
Due to parallels in its vision with The Lotus Trust for a fairer world, one where there is collaboration and connection with nature, it has agreed to run this first pilot.
Ahimsa milk will be produced to the following minimal standards:
- No cows, calves, or bulls will be slaughtered
- Cows can graze freely on open pasture
- Cows will be protected for life
Cows at Commonwork are looked after to Soil Association organic standards, which means:
- they are not injected with hormones or steroids;
- they are on a diet of non-GM forage (mainly plant leaves, stems, legumes, and grass) primarily grown on the farm;
- they graze in open fields during spring, summer, and autumn.