A press release from the American Chemical Society for a study just off the press in which a quartet of Beijing researchers produce human-derived gelatin. Will it be put on the market secretly the way cloned meat, pesticide-laden vegetables and frankenfruit, and irradiated (enzyme destroyed foods exposed to radiation)?
Most gelatin -- hidden in many items as a stiffener or binder including cheap vitamins, cheeses, candies, soaps, desserts, cosmetics -- comes from the waste products of slaughtered animals: nails, bones, skin (collagen) broken down into protein strands that form a gel. There is, of course, a small risk of bovine encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease).
Wouldn't human cells be so much easier and cheaper, with the added benefit of, well, cannibalism?
- Stay Puft Marshmallows made of Human (Boston.com)
- New method for making human-based gelatin
- Chinese scientists "reprogram" cells to create mice (WSJ)
- British scientists admit to creating human-animal creatures
- Hybrid human-animal DNA experiments raise concerns
- Medical vivisection: torturing pigs to cure humans?
- First lady teams with grocers to provide healthy food access