The FBI and CIA, between yawns, might disagree. But immigrants from native Buddhist countries (Tibet, Siberia, Vietnam, Burma, Khmer Cambodia, Laos, etc.) are almost sure to be offended by any mention of a Red Army. For anyone who has suffered under Chinese and Southeast Asian dictators has a very bad image that has tainted Communism forever. But in the US, things are kept Revolutionary Lite.
Things are lightweight because the Revolutionary Communist Party is an infiltrated organization. ANSWER LA is very proactive. But the powerful message of fairness lives on. It's what motivates young adults, many of them diehard fans of RATM, have their heart in the right place:
Seeing the hypocrisy of American-style supercapitalism, they embrace the symbols and general ideas of the only force considered large enough to challenge the corporate-ruled, consumer imperative we are seduced into living by in the USA. Before discounting "Communists" altogether, there is one remarkable voice interested in freedom, social justice, and a better society: Michael Slate.
(LA Times) Those concerned about the misguided energies of Rave kids, of the chaos that somehow manages to collide with mass-market electronic music at every turn, should be thankful that the Rage kids -- those in the Coliseum on Saturday night [July 30, 2011] who are obsessed with the collected music and ideas of Rage Against the Machine -- haven’t yet combusted in the streets of L.A.
Revolution can be a Picnic
Dan Bluemel (L.A. Activist)
- SHOW 7/22/2011-Pelican Bay, Abortion
- SHOW 7-15-2011-War Neocons, DSK's victim, Pelican Bay strike
- SHOW 7/8/2011-Amanda Marcotte, Pelican Bay Hunger Strike
- SHOW 7/1/2011-Afghanistan, Pelican Bay Hunger Strike
- SHOW 6/24/11-PZ Myers, Filmmaker David Zeiger, Grammy protests
- SHOW 6/17/11-California Prisons, Anti-Abortion Billboards
- SHOW 6/10/2011-Ethan McCord and Keith Knight