"Loose Change" (full-length video, 1:19:01)
(Sdlhsn) If anyone has the slightest doubt about the events of September 11th, weigh the facts and the overwhelming evidence supporting this unbearable reality: The events of 911 were set up. This work exposes the lies, disproving every aspect of the bogus 911 Commission report put forth by our corrupt government. Judge, investigate the facts, listen to the unpaid experts, and examine the footage and evidence before coming to a conclusion. The evidence is not going anywhere. But it is inevitably coming out. A comprehensive list of over 100 lies and omissions in the 911 Commission report can be found at septembereleventh.org.
Is America a "terrorist" nation invading country after country? Using the pretext that we are helping them or retaliating when in fact our businesses and government are robbing them? Installing dictators? Training secret police agencies? Trading blood for oil? Terrifying its own population and stirring up anti-Islamic sentiments (which it has been doing since it turned its eye on Iran in the 1970s)? Exporting a consumer-capitalist McWorld mentality? Launching propaganda campaigns to cover the Shadow Government's tracks?
We are not our government! This is not our way! This is not right. We must speak up against the corporatism and militarism that represent us.

We are not our government! This is not our way! This is not right. We must speak up against the corporatism and militarism that represent us.