Amazing Buddha statues around the world

Blog Archive
- How Many Past Lives Have We Had?
- Rebirth: Wandering Without End
- Germany to close all nuclear power plants!
- BBQ Day: Buddhism & Vegetarianism
- "Memorial Day" explained
- Will 2012 change our DNA?
- Sexed, Stressed, and Sick (addictions)
- Free-floating planets found in the Milky Way
- Why yoga classes are mostly female
- Roswell reveals US human experimentation
- UFO and Alien Disclosure (video)
- 30 Days in (Buddhist) Los Angeles
- Buddha, Buddha, who is "the Buddha"?
- Vesak 2011: Cal. Bodhi Vihara, Long Beach
- Heavenly Rebirths are due to Absorptions
- "The Tree of Life" (2011 film)
- Wis. wins! Judge saves collective bargaining
- Real-life MONSTERS today (videos)
- Better Than Sex (Yoga and Meditation)
- Couple lifted in car by beam of light (cartoon)
- Our Moon is full of water; the Norway Spiral
- Amazing Lost World: Antarctic Lake Vostok
- 17 New Pyramids found in Egypt (video)
- Slow Motion Martial Law (video)
- "Go the F*** to Sleep" (book)
- Psychic Phenomena Today (abhinna)
- Sex life of the ancient Buddhist nun Isidasi
- Pandaka: Sex Addiction and Perversion
- Male Genital Mutilation must be banned!
- But the Rapture DID Happen (video)
- "Be Here Wow!" Wes Nisker at ATS
- Deja View: Reincarnation, Rebirth, Nirvana
- Gender "Storm" - raising a genderless child
- "The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth" (book)
- News of the Day: Facebook Nation
- New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards
- "WikiSecrets" (Frontline)
- Doomsday dud! So now what? (Commentary)
- "Barry O'Bama" dazzles Ireland (video)
- Doomsday dud explained!
- What is Addiction?
- "OM" - Flying Over the Himalayas (film)
- OM: Meditating on the Sound of the Universe
- Top 10 Prophecies
- "Rapture" in Buddhism
- "Right view, right view! What is right view?"
- Why the World WILL End Tomorrow
- Could time travel be real? (Project Pegasus)
- The End is Near; Heaven is Nearer (cartoon)
- Doomsday Parties, Saints, Song (video)
- Fatima and the End of the World
- Neo-Nazi father murdered by 10 year old son
- The Neuroscience of Meditation
- Area 51 Uncensored: UFOs or USSR trick?
- Atheists "to save pets after world ends"
- The "Catastrophe" (Nakbha)
- Catholic: Molestation vs. Monasticism
- Malcolm X: Our history destroyed by slavery
- "Buddha Day" in India on May 17, 2011
- Regulating (or not) yoga
- Natural Cures: "Dying to Have Known" (film)
- The Wisdom of Malcolm X
- Eating Pigs = Eating Worms? (video)
- Living Electric Universe (Not Dying Nuclear)
- Venus the Comet and its Serpent tail (video)
- 2,500 yrs later, Tibetan Buddhists on women
- Eating Well, Preventing Cancer
- Vesak 2011 celebrations in Los Angeles
- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated
- Chemtrails in our skies are toxic (video)
- Official "Buddha Day 2600" Song (Sri Lanka)
- May 17th: Vesak Day 2554 Buddhist Era
- May 17, 2011 is the Full Moon Day of Vesak
- "Jesus in India" (video documentary)
- Buddha Festival: 2,600 years of Buddhism
- Buddha Jayanti 2600 (video seminar)
- Zen tourism takes shape in Vietnam
- Tibetan Buddhist chanting (audio)
- Best Tours of Asia (Nat'l Geographic)
- Buddhism turns 2,600 years old
- Monastic Training Center planned for India
- 1984: Who's Blocking the Truth?
- Fun with Texting!!!
- "Mind-reading" experiment highlights brain
- PBS: "Kill/Capture" (Frontline video)
- World Today: Girls Become Sex Abusers
- Do Buddhists Believe in God?
- Buddhism: End of the World (eschatology)
- “Understanding Virtue” Cal Tech lectures
- Escape? The seclusion illusion
- Ignoring the UFO Disclosure Project (video)
- Burmese president meets Chinese military
- Do Americans believe in UFOs? (Poll)
- The World Will End Tomorrow!
- AP poll-cooking: Obama approval jumps
- Does Dalai Lama approve of killing Osama?
- "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" (video)
- Why we die of sugar and disease (video)
- Dr. Pieczenik explains US propaganda
- War and More War for the U.S.