"The Simpsons" presents classic scary alien meme, which is a small part of the real story.
Couple lifted in car by beam of blue light now talk
NEW MEXICO (May 27, 2011) A beam technology that can pick up plants, animals, and humans -- even pick up a moving car containing people -- has been described for decades. One experience of such a beam was by Jim Sparks. He says he was conscious most of the time when a vibration in his bedroom at night would raise him in the air, through the ceiling and roof, up above his house and into a craft. There he was forced to interact with non-human entities and computer-like machines with screens that taught him alien equivalents to Jim's American English alphabet and numbers. That high strangeness began for Jim Sparks in 1986 and lasted for at least six years while he worked in North Carolina real estate development.

The couple still wants anonymity, and we agreed I would call them Gary and Irene Thompson. But they agreed for the first time to talk with me on audio recording for Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio about what they still remember consciously about their dramatic experience in November 1980. I was there for each hypnosis session over the next three years to photograph and audio record for transcripts that fill a file four inches thick. Richard Sigismund and the couple gave me permission to use some excerpts and illustrations in my first book, An Alien Harvest © 1989. (See Earthfiles Shop).
In addition to this first public interview, I am unfolding their entire three years of 1981 to 1984 hypnosis sessions as a several-part Real X-File that begins in Part 1. More
Footage from Turkey UFO clearly shows alien occupants
Dr. Roger Leir, author of Aliens and the Scalpel, has been said to be one of the world's most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology. He and his surgical team have performed nine surgeries on alleged alien abductees. This resulted in the removal of ten separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world. Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to meteorite samples. Dr. Leir anticipates performing more surgeries in the future and will investigate the physiological and biological aspects of the abduction phenomenon. He has also formed a non-profit organization for this purpose called "A&S Research Inc." More