The Bible-UFO connection is the result of research undertaken to find links in three apparently unrelated fields: theology, archeology, and ufology. In general terms, flying gods, ancient astronauts, advanced technology, and Unexplained Flying Objects in the sky.
Cooke is an author, autonomous theologian, eschatologist, and a recognized nontraditional biblical scholar. All scriptural references are from the authorized King James version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted, and all interpretations of the original meanings of individual words are from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
The broad scope of this work encompasses several sections to bolster the evidence proving the existence of UFOs, ancient advanced technology, paranormal human phenomena in the Bible and the modern world, and ancient anomalous artwork and structures.
- The Church is hiding it.
The beings (plural) in the Bible called God possess and use advanced technology that allows them to fly in vehicles, described by biblical witnesses as strikingly similar to UFOs. But this technology extends far beyond flight. - The experts are hiding it.
The archeological field possesses direct evidence of advanced technology and beings in the remnants of ancient cultures. The fact that these objects could not possibly have been made by the culture they represent goes unmentioned. This reality is mirrored in many of the world’s ancient writings. The field of anthropology is silent on the written evidence veiling it myth and legend. - The government is hiding it.
The presence of an advanced race of beings in our biosphere is undeniable. The almost comical approach by the government is alarming. Any intelligent person can sense that “official” explanations are insulting. Moreover, believers are labeled mentally incompetent even after mass sightings.