Kwan Yin (Madonna) Mania in Ireland (FT)


Madonna [Kwan Yin] Mania! - Revisiting Ireland's summer of miracles and moving statues

FT reaches biblical proportions as it investigates the moving statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary [aka the Western version of Kwan Yin] witnessed by crowds all over Ireland, explores relics galore in the British Museum's "Treasures of Heaven" exhibition, looks over Jordan into the death of Moses...while perusing the Secret Gospel of Mark, which may cast new light on hitherto hidden messianic homosexual rituals.

Plus! Philadelphia's "Jack the Slasher" case; the history of cross-dressing in the Navy; the famous 19th century parachutist showman eaten by sharks; an antiquarian's menagerie; and the FBI meets Raven Kaldera: pagan shaman, herbalist, transgender god-slave, and prophet of Baphomet [that devilish goat-human hybrid demigod]!

Madonna Mania
Ted Harrison revisits Ireland's visions of the Blessed Virgin's statues in motion
Looking Over Jordan
Richard Seary examines Moses and religious simulacra
Treasures of Heaven
David V Barrett explores the British Museum's "Treasures of Heaven" exhibition
The Secret Gospel of Mark
Forgery or fact? Messianic homosexuality revealed in Early church father letter? Andrew Smith investigates

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