Most of the Earth's 8.8 million species remain unidentified, a new study says. Weird recent discoveries - Microscopic worlds - Critters flee warming - Endangered snail's return
- Indian gov't in talks to end activist's 8-day fast
- Police: 4 lawmakers charged in India bribe scandal
- Nepal's president orders election for new PM
- Burma's Suu Kyi calls UN envoy visit encouraging
- North Korea reported ready to halt WMD tests
- Denmark's French-born princess is pregnant again
- Kuwait port plans stir tension with old enemy Iraq
- Karzai denounces use of child suicide bombers
- Protests for ex-PM on Ukraine Independence Day
Irene forces evacuation of N.C. island
It won't be easy to get thousands off Ocracoke Island, which is in the crosshairs of a major hurricane. - "Magic" date for storms