Rock Gardening vs. Crop Circles (Zen)

The largest rock garden in Japan, Koyasan, is located on Mt. Koya behind Kongobuji temple, built by Osaka Castle creator Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Nimarb/Flickr).

What is the point of arranging rocks? Finding the answer depends on where you look -- the outcome or the process. The outcome is just some nicely arranged rocks. But a process generating serenity and contemplation of the Four Great Elements (maha-bhuta), symbolic of peace, that's priceless.

Why do some people trample fields of grain to make crop circles? No doubt some cirlces are hoaxes, and it may have all started as a hoax. But gun-toting farmers are not tolerant of crop damage. It is not surprising that there is something more to it. Zen-curious good aliens (akasha-devas in Buddhist terms) out to send symbolic messages? Sit in awe. Or garden and leave others in awe.

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