It was raining money at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium! Club-level server Heather Allison was taking orders in the stands at a Chargers football game when she tripped and showered unsuspecting fans a level below with about $1,000 in cash. You can guess what happened.
- A man threw his baby over the railing telling him to grab as much cash as he could before hitting the bleachers?
- Fans began to fight each other resulting in two deaths in a mad scramble during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression?
- Gunshots were fired by security personnel in an attempt to clear the crowd who looked up to see money raining down before the shots did injuring many in the confusion and stampede?
- No, it was even more amazing. The fans surprised everyone.
Sports hooligans, susceptible to groupthink, give all fans a bad name (AP)
Fans helped collect the stray bills as did the crowd below. Within minutes, a security officer returned with a stack of cash for the grateful waitress. “It was all there,” says the mother of four and full-time student who, after paying the concession, still pocketed $170 in tips. “Chargers fans are amazing,” she says. “We’re like a family.”
- Money rains on fans in freak accident (SD Union-Tribune)
- Wife severs husband's penis tosses it in garbage disposal
- Bay Area man drops baby into hot oven
- What happens when a waitress drops $1000? (NBC Sports)
- Father's testosterone drops after baby arrives (USA Today)
Jealous woman sets boyfriend on fire
This is the horrific moment a couple became human fireballs as they were engulfed in flames in a New York street. The first victim, 32, is pictured with his clothes burning as he desperately tried to put out the fire. He died four days later in hospital from 50 percent burns. On the floor, his 50-year-old lover, mass murderer Agnes Bermudez lies screaming in pain as flames roar along her body, as she was accidentally ignited in the attack. The terrifying images were captured on CCTV. But the blaze caught hold of their apartment block in Queens and three people died in the fire. Horribly disfigured in the attack, Burmudez was charged with four counts of murder -- because that's how things are done in America. More