Ahimsa: The Yoga of Non-Injury will set you free

On the Death of Osama bin Laden
Barbara O'Brien (About.com Guide May 2, 2011)

- France to mull faster exit from Afghanistan
- Compassion: Leading Osama to the Light
- Osama resisted? What does "resistance" mean?
- No release of bin Laden photos - Bin Laden's wife
- A celebrity with Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
- More military torture? Interrogation tactics debated
- Bin Laden death prompts questions about legality
- Despite economic growth, India lets its girls die

It rained half an hour ago. A slight drizzle left the flag stones wet. Huge ponderous clouds hung over the hilltown of Tawang. The yellow roofed monastery sat on top of a hillock at 3,400 meters. It can accommodate 500 monks. They are Gelugpa sect, the gentler Monpa tribe. Two monks were on duty and there were no tourists in sight. The lamasery courtyard slopes with a library on the west, a museum on the south, and the sanctum sanctotum facing north. The east side the valley drops down. Over the small yellow roofs of the monks' quarters flush with the sloping hill side, the Tawang valley is laid out.