A Life of Nonviolence

A life of Ahimsa
Gauri Gupta (AsiaOne)
Among the Indian merchants who trickled into the trading port of Singapore back in colonial times were Jains. After WW II they were joined by their families. Since then the community has sunk roots in Singapore, with almost 350 families residing here now. Jains, members of a religious sect that originated in India at the time of the Buddha, follow the philosophy of ahimsa, nonviolence or nonharming, which also guides its very rich followers against materialism while promoting meditation, introspection, and self-realization. More>>
Hinduism view of afterlife
A self or soul exists in any being encompassed by various charms and fantasies. The crux of this aspect is that unless or until a soul attains moksha, the soul is entrapped by the endless cycle of life and death. Moksha is the freedom from the cycle of rebirth, unless or until moksha is attained a soul will have to come back to earth again and again. Thus for any soul, freedom will be an illusion and a goal that needs to be achieved.

Jain principles relevant to problems of modern world
PTI (Mar. 7, 2010)
New Delhi - Congress president Sonia Gandhi today stressed the relevance of Jain principles to tackle the problem of violence and terrorism afflicting the modern world. Gandhi also underlined the importance of politics that believes in non-violence, environment-centric development, and taking all sections together.

Bringing out the essence of Jainism in Fonts
MUMBAI, India - Artist Jain Kamal has been expressing himself through the power of fonts and typography. Yes, the same fonts we use routinely in applications like MS Word....

Is India's women's bill a good thing?
Pankag Jaiswal (Hindustan Times)
He [Mulayam] said that his party [the BJP] was not against [affirmative action for] women in politics and dared the Congress and BJP to have 20 percent reservation on election tickets within the party instead. The bill envisages 33 percent reservation for women in the Parliament and State Assemblies. "The 33 percent reservation bill must be dropped and instead it should be made mandatory for the parties to reserve 20 percent of election tickets for women...."
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