So you think you have freedom of religion? If you aren't Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, your religious freedoms only go so far. If you're part of what's called a tier two religion, you don't have the same protections and rights as members of tier one religions.

When the Bush Administration was in office, it was harder for tier two religious organizations to get non-profit status for their "churches." People were being discriminated against in custody cases, over jobs, in prison. They were even being run out of town. Yes, that happened in modern times, in this country! We're not talking Africa, where anyone accused is run out of town (or worse) by witch hunters. Such witch hunters believe the Christian Bible gives them license to be intolerant. In India some women are forced to eat human excrement if they are deemed t obe other than Christian. But such things could never happen here in the good old USA?
Wiccan chaplain Patrick McCollum is waging a battle for all members of tier two religions. is Everyone should know McCollum. He was first initiated as a "witch" in 1966. He was first ordained as a minister of the Craft in 1971. He is the author of the book Courting the Lady.
I’ve seen Patrick several times at Pagan events. Neither tall nor heavily muscled, neither loud nor trying to monopolize the conversation, he seems a gentle and kindly soul. He's always ready to discuss his beloved tradition or listen and share ideas with others. He seems to be a meek and mild minister. But don’t let his appearance fool you. Underneath that meek and mild exterior is a tireless and indefatigable warrior for religious rights. More>>